Thursday, April 9, 2009

Vacuity Apres Vacation

It's been two weeks since Jack returned from Afghanistan to meet our little creation. In so many ways it feels like he just arrived, and on the other side of that feeling, I could swear he never missed a moment with her.

But early yesterday, the Army reclaimed their possession and set Jack back on his way to war.

Watching his plane disappear into the sky was so surreal. Along with my husband, my heart hopped on board and left for the next eight months. Squinting into the sky, I watched the jet become so small I could swat it with my hand. The audacity that his hand had just been in mine, but was now whisked away between the clouds made me question for a moment if he had been here at all.

Having adjusted to a long-distance existence, it took me several days to get used to having Jack under foot. Yet once I did, I knew it would be jarring to have him leave yet again.

Quinn on the other hand melted right into his arms. She wasn't afraid nor did she grown tired of him. Even today she spent long lulls in her eating/pooping/sleeping cycle to gaze at his picture.

Last night Quinn's serenity eluded her. She spent several hours fussing and crying, completely inconsolable despite my and my parents' efforts to soothe her. As unlikely as it may be, I can't help but wonder if Quinn sensed Jack's absence and vocalized her own protest to the Army's agenda... It seems possible because my experience for the first few days after he departs is that the void he leaves reverberates all around like a deafening echo, perhaps one that even she could sense.

But then I smile and chuckle, since Quinn is probably only befuddled as to where her Daddy went with her eyes, her nose, her mouth, her paddle feet, and stylish hairdo -- and when she'll be getting them back. "Yeah?!?"

Love and eventually more laughter from --
A Somber Mama & Her Contemplative Kid


Jonas said...

Good to hear from you again. I was getting concerned.

Anonymous said...

You really need to publish all of your updates - they are priceless and have me laughing every time. Glad you guys had a good 2 weeks and I know they go way too fast. Give me your parents address so I can get this stuff in the mail. Love you all, Joni