I know, I know. I should have called when I got to Susie's house; and I definitely should not have eaten the pizza with the funny mushrooms. And when the car broke down, I should have just called you instead of thinking you wouldn't notice how late I was by hitching a ride with the fire truck, which happened to be headed in the wrong direction.
Who knew at 30+ I could yet again feel like a teenager, late for her curfew, not done with homework, only to remember she forgot the feed the fish... Who is now mysteriously trying to float belly-up. Tsk Tsk!
If only I could claim "the dog ate my homework." When really, my homework ate my brain...
To sum up my long break from the blogosphere: I had multiple long and tedious papers to write, discussion forums, and my usual ongoing and escalating duel with my professor (when will I learn that does NOTHING good for one's grades?!?).
Then, we had a power-outage for more than two days, during which I dropped everything (but the baby) to, yet again, save all that damn frozen mama milk.
Throw in a final paper, a touch of H1N1, and a need to withdraw from all things electronic and 'Stan-related after some really awful headlines.
Good times!
But I'm back, and pictures and video will poureth forth... to the point it will make YOU want to poureth forth, in a projectile kind of way.
No more homework, no more papers, no more loads of reading... Just me and you, and too much time to do anything kosher.
Back before becoming a pumpkin,
J & the little Pumpkin
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