At first they thought I was imagining things, then they started "imagining" them too when they noticed the needle on their tank drop suddenly after being out of town for a week. Sure, if I were back in high school I'd be the likely culprit of having burned off their fuel. But these days, my car is way more fun to drive, so they know it isn't me.
Similarly, as Quinn's teeth continue to make their debut, they are siphoning all the energy and sleep from my life.
I've again been reduced to someone who attaches only one of the bottles to collect milk while I pump, only to -- again -- have milk running all down my front and all over my parents' floors. (It's no wonder then why the neighbor's cat has been breaking into the house lately.) The other day I did something so inane I promised to forget it for fear of losing respect for myself... Fortunately, my memory is a little shaky too now.
The last several nights we are up at 45 minute intervals beginning around midnight... I imagine this is a bit what waterboarding feels like as we the sound of Quinn's screams feels like a deluge of noise that is going to drown out any hope of mine for a pleasurable night's sleep.

One of these nights I should get some entertainment for the night, if not sleep, and instead stay up to watch the jerk siphoning gas stumble into the pranks and Rube Goldberg trap I've set up to scare him. That would be a video worth posting!
Ahhh, but always the optimist, I'm heading off to bed in hopes of catching some zzz's instead of some thieves...
May you have a most restful slumber,
One Pooped Parent and the Soon-to-be Fanged MQ
Maybe an inexpensive surveilance camera would be in order
Loved reading your blog and looking at your ADORABLE baby pics and videos. She is so kissably cute!
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