That is good news -- not because I'm masochistic -- but because I should just cut out the middleman of digesting food and tape it to my ass since that's effectively what happens to anything I ingest.
Thanks to limited options, I'm finally fitting into my "skinny" pants... Well, ok, don't know I've ever owned such pants, but "less fat pants" isn't quite as catchy.
Craving some carbohydrates though, I broke down and decided to be all domestic in my Momness, and actually baked some muffins. Since I was starving to taste them, it didn't even occur to me to grab an apron and make an event of it.
Since the ingredients couldn't contain gluten (wheat), dairy, soy, chocolate, or tree nuts I was grateful that at least bananas were still permissible. I broke out the Quinoa, a kind of wheat substitute, some chickpea flour, rice milk and more bananas than a monkey would know what to do with.
The kitchen burst with the awesome smell of baked goods, the muffins looked golden and perfect. Just as my parents returned from the gym, I was eagerly placing them on a plate to at least feign a willingness to share them before I devoured every last one.
And then, I bit into that delicious looking, banana-filled, muffin of my dreams. . .
Make that muffin of my nightmares! The thought of eating them still makes me gag.
I've decided next time, I'll save all the bananas, Quinoa, and wasted effort and just vomit in my mouth.
Couldn't help but share. . . but bon appetit to you!
Mama with the Munchies & the Little Penguin
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World's small pleasures
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