Sunday, September 13, 2009

Marking Her Milestones

(I like alliteration, leave me alone, it sounds good... At least it does in my head.)

Not only does Miss Quinn outpace me in the gestational development stage of life, she is starting to take off now that she has figured out those hands are hers, and the feet she is obsessed with follow her everywhere. So they too can be relied upon for new adventures.

Last week, Quinn decided rolling about wasn't cutting it any more. So she broke out into an actual crawl. My parents and I were stunned. Suddenly the house felt way too small and way too hazardous. Quinn has been squealing with delight oblivious to the dangers about her.

Thankfully, she has regressed just enough for me to adjust to her mobility. This week she is flailing her arms and legs as if she's swimming, not moving more than a few inches while her ever growing belly weighs her down. It's a comical sight.

Maybe Quinn found my ability to multitask, I clearly lost it somewhere in this parenting process. Because just in case we weren't impressed enough, the kid has thrown in another milestone -- saying "Mama." Hearing it over the phone, I reassured Jack I tried to make "Dada" her first word, but she isn't dumb. She is resourceful and has found that muttering the "M" word is far more effective than anything else she might mumble.

It seems to be a catchall word (much like another four-lettered word that comes to mind). She says it when she tastes something yummy, when she is feeling sleeping and wants to be held, and it is on instant repeat when she is upset and wants someone to pick her up out of her crib "Mama! Mama! Mmmmmmaaaaammmmaaa!"

With one word, she shows me who is boss as my false hopes that I am still an autonomous being slip out of my hands (along with everything) as I run to her at the sound of a single word.

May your week be full of great memories if not milestones,

J & the Multitasker

1 comment:

Jonas said...

Good to hear that Quinn is thriving and meeting her milestones